What’s the Difference between the BORA® Saw Guides?

Difference between BORA Saw Guides
May 12, 2021 66 view(s) 2 min read
What’s the Difference between the BORA® Saw Guides?

If you’re in need of a high-quality saw guide that won’t break the budget, you may have found your way to the BORA® website. And if you’ve made your way to our website and perused our selection of saw guides, you may have wondered: What’s the difference between the WTX and the NGX?


Both models are pretty similar, so that’s a legitimate question. First, we’ll cover which design features are the same in both the WTX and NGX, and then we’ll explain the differences.


What’s the same?


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?


That was our thought process when we decided to expand our line of saw guides. The WTX Clamp Edge is already a longstanding customer favorite, so we decided to incorporate several of the same elements into our NGX saw guide design. These include:

  • Construction from heavy-gauge, rigid aluminum for extreme durability
  • Available in lengths of 24” and 50” with available extension accessories
  • Compatible with BORA® router guide, jig saw guide, and track clamps
  • Locking handles that secure your Clamp Edge to your material


What’s different?


The main difference between the WTX and the NGX saw guides is the clamping end. The WTX Clamp Edge has a handle on one end and a moving clamp on the other — so when you use it, you adjust the moving clamp to the correct length and then walk around the handle to push it down and tighten the clamp. Now your WTX is securely attached to your material for a precise cut. There’s also a saw plate exclusive to the WTX saw guide, and the WTX also is the only model to feature a ruled edge so you can easily measure while using it. 



When you’re using the NGX Clamp Edge, the moving clamp end and the handle are one piece, and the other end has a static clamp end. This makes it faster and easier to use since you can simply hook the NGX across your material, adjust the handle/moving clamp end to the correct length, and lock the handle down in one smooth motion. The NGX also has its own saw plate and non-chip strip, which work exclusively with this model.


Now that you know the differences, you can make the right choice for your projects.


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